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Paola Roggero / Soprano

Born in Turin, she graduates in piano in 1991 before devoting herself to studying voice and graduating in 1997 awarding full marks under the supervision of Franca Mattiucci. She specializes afterwards in Baroque and Lied vocal repertoire with Antonio Juvarra, Julia Hamari and Renata Colombatto, becoming an esteemed soloist for the Classical and Baroque repertoire.

From 1998 she begins an intense concert activity collaborating with the main Italian and European orchestras, performing the most important compositions of A. Vivaldi, F. Haendel, G.B. Pergolesi, W.A. Mozart, J. Haydn, L.van Beethoven, G. Rossini. 

She has performed under the conductors Gabriel Garrido, Jean-Claude Malgoire, Sergio Balestracci, Ottavio Dantone, Giulio Castagnoli, Julius Kalmar, Lucius Weber and with the Rai National Symphony Orchestra under the conductors Jeffrey Tate, Rafael Frubeck de Burgos,Helmutt Rilling, Juanjo Mena.

She performs as a solo singer with the most important Italian Baroque music ensembles, such as: Accademia Bizantina, Estro Barocco, Academia Montis Regalis, I Musici di Santa Pelagia, Accademia del Santo Spirito, Gli Affetti Musicali. She has participated in the most important European Festivals, among which Ravenna Festival, Festival Monteverdi in Cremona, Bruges, Ambronay and Festival da Saints en France

Her repertoire in representative style consists of the main compositions of the 17thcentury and she has to her name numerous monographic concerts about C. Monteverdi, J.S. Bach, D. Buxteude, F. Haendel, N. Porpora, J. Dowland, H. Purcell. 

Her latest monothematic work is dedicated to G.A. Rigatti, of whom she has recorded the Mottetti a voce sola per soprano Libro II (Motets for solo voice for soprano Book II)with the ensemble Estro Barocco, published by Urania Record in world premiere.

Together with the pianist Andrea Stefenell, she has to her name numerous concerts of German, French and Spanish chamber repertoire, with monographs of R. Schumann, G. Mahler, F. Mendelssohn, M. De Fallae G. Faurè.

In the main Italian theatres, she has performed the lead roles of the operas of G.B. Pergolesi, F. Haendel, W.A. Mozart, V. Bellini, G. Donizetti and G. Verdi.

She has recorded for Urania Records, Stradivarius, Claudiana.

From 2006 she holds master classes where she teaches voice, either Baroque and operatic.

From 2004 she teaches voice in the Opera and Baroque Studies Program at the Music Academy “V. Baravalle” in Fossano - today Fondazione Fossano Musica – and is deputy headmistress of the Music Academy “A. Gandino” in Bra, by Fondazione Fossano Musica. 



Baroque - Sacred Music

solo parts


G. Monteverdi

    Vespro della Beata Vergine

    Selva Morale e Spirituale 

    Libri Madrigali VI- VIII


J.S. Bach 

    Magnificat BWV 243

    Messa in si minore BWV 232

    Oratorio di Natale BWV 248

    Cantate BWV  51, 80, 140, 147, 151   


D. Buxtehude

    Mottetti BuxWV 83, 84, 97, 105 


L. Boccherini

    Stabat Mater


G. Perti

    Oratorio Gesù al Sepolcro (Maria)


H. Purcell

    Come, ye sons of art Z 323


G.F. Haendel 

    Il Messia

    Dixit Dominus


A. Vivaldi 

    Gloria RV 589 

    Salve Regina RV 617

    Dixit Dominus RV 594

    Beatus vir RV 795

    Magnificat RV610,

    Mottetti RV 630, RV 623 



Baroque Opera 

solo parts


H. Purcell

    Didone ed Enea (Didone)

G.F. Haendel

    Amadigi (Melissa)

    Giulio Cesare (Cleopatra)

    Rinaldo (Armida)



Century XVIII - Sacred Music

solo parts


G.B. Pergolesi

    Stabat Mater

    Salve Regina


W.A. Mozart 

    Requiem KV 626

    Kronungmrsse KV317

    Messa in do maggiore K 427

    Vesperae Solennes de Confessore KV 339


J. Haydn 

    Missa St.Johannis de Deo 

    Le Ultime Sette Parole di Cristo sulla Croce


L.van Beethoven

    Messa in Do magg op. 86

    Missa Solemnis



    Petite Messe Solemnelle,

    Stabat Mater 

    Soiree Musicales


C.M.von Weber 

    Freischützmesse Missa 


Romantic - Opera 

ruoli solistici


G.B. Pergolesi

    La Serva Padrona


W.A. Mozart

    Bastiano e Bastiana 

    Don Giovanni (Donna Elvira - Zerlina)

    Nozze di Figaro (Susana - Contessa) 

    Così fan tutte (Despina)

    La clemenza di Tito (Sesto)


G. Donizetti

    Elisir d’amore (Adina)

    Don Pasquale (Norina)


G. Verdi

    Traviata (Violetta)

    Rigoletto (Gilda)

    Corsaro (Medora)

    Trovatore (Leonora - Ines)

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